Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sugar is dead to me! Dead!

Well, at least unconscious.   Or maybe it's more like dazed. 

See I had this idea at the end of September.  I wasn't going to eat sugar for the entire month of October.  Wait, let's back up a bit.  I actually had this idea last year around August, I was going to not eat sugar till Halloween.  I even had ideas for a website and wrist bands and t-shirts, I think there were even car vinyls.  The name of our secret club would be NSTH, of course that's the abbreviation for No Sugar Till Halloween, obviously.  We, meaning me, would walk around and see little decals that said "NSTH" and we would be like "OH MY GOODNESS!  I totally know what that means."  Then I finally fell asleep that night and I forgot all about it until late September of this year.  This time I figured that rather than trying to convert the world to my way of thinking I would just worry about myself.  Novel concept I know. 

So this time around I made myself a little chart, stuck it on the fridge and stopped eating sugar.  Sort of.  Mostly.  Well, you'll see.

Nice title huh?  I like titles.  So the idea is that on days that I stuck to the plan I got a giant X, when I didn't, well I had to write whatever it was I snarfed down.  Here's a few of the gems along the way.

Take a look at the 17th, "cake and crap like that".  Nice Kristen, nice.

Then the 31st, "Duh?!"  To the point there.

You'll notice that there aren't solid rows of X's.  I wasn't perfect but i ended up with 15 out of 31 days without sugar.  Not too shabby, no matter what some people say (Kent, that means you).  I noticed that days without sugar were easier, I felt better, I wasn't tired and I wasn't as overwhelmed with life and my workouts were amazing, I felt stronger and faster.  I also noticed that the day after eating sugar things were pretty much opposite.  I felt tired, frustrated and sick.  So I've learned that my body does better without sugar.  It just doesn't work for me even in small amounts.  I also lost about 3 pounds along the way.  I think it could have been more but I spent the first part of the month assuming that as long as I was passing on the sugar I could say yes to the 4 pieces of pizza.  Ya, not so much. 

November's calender is all done.  Today has an X.  Thanksgiving day has "Thanksgiving" in big letters.  I'm good to go.  I'll keep you posted. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I especially like the fact that the kids get to charge you a dollar for any sugar you eat. I like how the knot princess read the peanut butter label to make sure there was no sugar in it!! go kids :)

  3. This is awesome!! The "cake and crap" made my day!!

  4. Good for you!! Its all about choices and quantity.

    I love stevia for sweetness. The liquid comes in flavors and is incredible.

  5. Wow this is great! I am impressed. 15 out of 31 is a lot! When you say you cut out sugar, are you talking things like sweets, candy, cookies, etc? Or did you go as far as cutting out anything that included sugar like bread, etc? I know I need to do this. :( I have a serious sugar addiction!

  6. Good for you. I did this in May (probably got 25 good days too), I felt great and was exercising a lot, so I looked about as good as I had in a few years....um yeah, then I got pregnant. So, I decided, it was a bad idea. Just kidding! Good job!! And hey, don't beat yourself up too much for the agave, since it isn't super refined and has only 1/3 the glycemic index of table sugar.

  7. Who is this Kent guy? Punk! :) I love your honesty. Maybe I should start posting to one of my blogs. Ah nevermind. Maybe I should just go to bed at a reasonable time like you do. There is a novel idea! I am excited to follow your blog. :)...We should be friends I think.

  8. Who is this Kent guy? Punk! :) I love your honesty. Maybe I should start posting to one of my blogs. Ah nevermind. Maybe I should just go to bed at a reasonable time like you do. There is a novel idea! I am excited to follow your blog. :)...We should be friends I think.


I wanna hear what you have to say, so write. Pretty please.