Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boys (said with love or exasperation depending on the time of day)

Boys, they just don't suck.

And what more can you say than that?

I love my guys.  Even when they insist on tomato squirting contests .. the loser has to tell Momma about the mess.

Happy Thursday!  Now go to Cari's and join the fun.


  1. The loser has to tell Momma about the mess.

    Oh my gosh. Dying. Best motivator to win, ever.

  2. YES!! Unfortunately I think I emphasize that word with exasperation a little too often. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. HA oh yes. Every day.

  4. Title says it all. Oh my, not really looking forward to the tomato-squirting in a few years. c;

  5. I only have one boy which I think contains 75% of the mess for lack of a partner:) But boy oh boy, it still is messy!

  6. They just don't suck. HAHAHAHA! So cute!

  7. LOVE IT! I should use that one on my friend who has only girls and she sometimes apologizes that I "got stuck" with all these boys!

  8. You are lucky your boys eat tomatoes!

  9. Love your first line! And it's so true which is why it gets to me. Don't be upset about the tomato we had a game called smash Doritos into the carpet all of the house race. lol =)

  10. I love that the loser had to tell! What a cute picture.

  11. Oooh, I remember tomato squirting contests growing up! Especially the ones at the end of the season with the few remaining tomatoes that had rotted.... :-)

  12. Praying my kids never figure this is possible...or fun. Yikes! And boys don't suck, PRICELESS!


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