Monday, September 17, 2012

The Truth (according to moi)

I try not to talk about polarizing topics on this here blog for a few reasons.  First of all I'm all for people living their own lives, I don't presume to know what's best for you.  Second, when you start violently spouting your opinions then you should find facts to back up your rant and that just sounds like a lot of extra work.  Finally even though I do have strong opinions about a few things I'm pretty mellow about most things (stop laughing Mom) so why ruin the flow man?

Having said all that I can no longer remain silent.  There are some things that need to be spouted from the rooftops and shoved into people's faces.  I'm here today to talk about one of them.  If I offend you, well, better now than later after I brought you cookies and you felt obligated to be my friend forever.

I'm pulling out my soapbox now.

The words that we say define us.  They show the world who we are.  They tell those that we interact with how intelligent we are. 

When you are tempted to say the word "bling" just don't.  Please stop.  It makes you look like you're trying too hard.

Not bling.  This is a crystal chandelier.

Crystal & Amethyst Chandelier #Chandelier

Not bling.  These are jeans with sequins (I'll save my embellished denim rant for another day).

Zebra bling Miss Me jeans desireemarkey

Finally this is not bling, this is a gross error in taste (sorry Ryan, it's not you, it's your mouth).

Ryan Lochte showing off his Olympic bling...and some patriotic grills match!

Thanks for letting me spew, that's five minutes you'll never get back.

All pictures stolen from Pinterest without permission.  Sorry.


  1. I love the way you write. I always feel inspired and then I laugh until I cry, way to be awesome!

  2. Oh my gosh. Dying. You had me at "Second, when you start violently spouting your opinions then you should find facts to back up your rant and that just sounds like a lot of extra work." and so I was willing to sit through what I suspected was going to be some political statement, but NO!!!

    A Fellow Hater of the Word "Bling"


I wanna hear what you have to say, so write. Pretty please.